Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Visions of My Future

I am aging fast well I am 24 years old now, and I have my whole life ahead of me still. I love where I live in Toronto, in a big city where I can shop and its where I grew up. Toronto is a home to me with all the big building and hot weather in the summer, but I could do without the cold winters. I will one day raise my children here, I want to have two kids a girl and a boy preferably but I will take what i get and love them either way.

I love my life and where i work so I am think of staying at Precision Business Machines in my future. I do want to get married and I would love to go to Australia with my boyfriend in the future. I also want to go see Niagara Falls since I live so close to it.

My Life At This Point

I have found a boyfriend his name is Ryan and he is 24 years old, and he is a mechanic. I met him at Tim Horton's, how romantic i know. Anyways our relationship is going good we have been dating for 2 years. I am making a lot more money at this job then I was at my other one, and i just previously got promoted to head translator and i got a raise. I bought a new house, its nothing huge but it works since its just me and my boyfriend. Well as you can see my life is going good since these past 4 years. Life is going on and i am hoping to have kids soon in life :).

My New Workplace

I work at precision business systems, a building in the center of town. I mainly work at home for all my projects. The company owners name is Jenifer Sullivan, and my business manager is Jessica Right. I don't have a supervisor because I am normally working at home. I work with many different people. There is 6 other translators that i work with at my job, they don't all translate from English to french or french to English we all translate different things. I do have an office at the the job it is really nice with my computer and many files and papers everywhere. I like to work at home though because i can get more work done. When it comes time to submitting my work I go back to my office and get 2 other people to translate and find errors in my papers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2015

I recieived the job, and started immediatly. They gave me a labtop and my own cellphone if they needed to get a hold of me. They told me my pay and i was ready to go.

June 14,2015

I got a phone call from the company to come down for an interview! I'm so excited!

June 11, 2015

I called the company i am applying to , Precision Business and they informed me I would have to fill in their own special application. I took a copy of my resume down to them, and took some time filling out the application. They told me I would hear from them in 3 to 4 days, I sure hope this new job comes through.

June 10,2015

Today I put together a job specific resume for the job at Precision Business. I asked one of the counsellors at the Canada Employment Centre to look it over and give me suggestions, then I rewrote it carefully. I want this resume to reflect my serious interest in the job and to make me look capable and competent.

June 9, 2015

I found my Resume Worksheet from a few years back, I think it was from about 2 years ago, in my files. I then updated it to prepare for writing a new resume, I got pretty grumpy at this point thinking why should i have to be writing up a new resume when I did a good job it was just that they were downsizing.I picked up some newspaper at cooper side and went through the classified ads. I found one in which a company is looking for a translator so i think i may apply.

Change Comes Calling (level 2)

June 8,2015
I received a layoff notice from my employer Stanley Freidman. He mailed it to me and I opened it as soon as i saw it. I was pretty upset because I have been with this company for 2 years and they were becoming my family, but I guess in life sometimes businesses need to downsize. I then went down to Canada Employment center and saw what jobs were posted. I found a job at precision business, to become a translator. I met 5 people there that also received a layoff notice from there company they were working for. It was nice to talk to them, we went out for coffee and talked for a bit. They were all pretty sad they received theses layoff notices. Sally said" I wish i could of just did a better job"
and Jacob said" Living life brings you new opportunities in the future and this is my new opportunity".

Monday, May 31, 2010


I am a single 23 year old and i want to go to california. I love the wheather and i think it would be nice to go and lay on the beach and tan. Being able to go swimming with the dolphins and in the ocean would be so nice just to get away from being in the office translating all day long. I wont be able to just get up and leave my whole life once i settle down with someone and maybe have a kid, so i will probably go soon. I also would like to go to disney land and i will take many photos as i love photography.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the koala they are so cute when they are babies. I was 4 years old when i first saw my true love it was the koala. I have loved koalas ever since.I have picture of them in my room and i send $20 a month to help koalas live in africa. Thwy re my favorite animals.

Favorite Things

I loveeeeeee my cellphone. It is what i probably use the most in my day. I also love shopping for clothes, my closet is hugeeeeeeee and it is color cordinated i also like hanging out with my friends and going for walks with my dog.


In 2006 i won the lottery. I won $50,000 in the lotto 6/49. I have put alot of it away so i have many saving in the future i will have lots of interest on it. I did use 15,000 thousand dollars though so that i could pay of my bills and buy many things that i wanted.

My Outdoor Activities

I like being outdoors daily. Enjoy biking, canoeing and just going for nature walks. I love the sunshine being able to go outside and be warm is what i enjoy the most so you can probably tell my favorite season is summer.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I love reading in my spare time. Ecspecially science books. I love reading in french and working on my french comprehension. I also like going for runs in my spare time and hang out with my friends.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


There is one T.v and a labtop in my house, since there is only one. I use my labtop everyday because i am translating papers alot. I am a translater so my labtop is a huge part of my life. I also have a stereo that i plug my ipod into.


I have a dog. He is 3 years old and he is a rotweiler. His name is Oreo and i have had him since I moved out from home. He always comes with me and comes for car rides he loves them, his dog food is around 70 dollars a month and his collar is 5 dollars.


I drive a Mazda 6. (2003) I make payments if 375 dollars a month for 4 years and gas is pretty cheap on it, i pay 150 with oil changes.

Where I Live

I live in Toronto, Ontario and i have my whole life. I love Ontario it is a beautiful place to live. The population is 2.48 million people. There is lots of shopping that is why i mainly like to live there. I also like the wheather. It is very nice in the summer but in the winter the wheather can be really terrible.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Living Situation

I live in an appartment in the city of Toronto. I pay $600 a month plus all my other utilities such as Internet and my phone bill. My appartment has one bedroom, there is also a bathroom, a living room and also there is a nice enterance way.

All about me

Hi, my name is Amanda Park i was born July 26 1987 in the town of Toronto,Ontario. I grew up in with my mother, father and 2 younger sisters. We were a very close family.We would always do things together as a family. I am now a 23 year old women working for Futura Buisness Machines and i am a translator i quite enjoy my job. I translate written documents, revise,edit and proofread treanslated material and interpret conversations.I am not married or dating anyone at this time in my life. I do plan to get married have have children one day just not at this time as i am paying back my loans from highschool.