Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Visions of My Future

I am aging fast well I am 24 years old now, and I have my whole life ahead of me still. I love where I live in Toronto, in a big city where I can shop and its where I grew up. Toronto is a home to me with all the big building and hot weather in the summer, but I could do without the cold winters. I will one day raise my children here, I want to have two kids a girl and a boy preferably but I will take what i get and love them either way.

I love my life and where i work so I am think of staying at Precision Business Machines in my future. I do want to get married and I would love to go to Australia with my boyfriend in the future. I also want to go see Niagara Falls since I live so close to it.

My Life At This Point

I have found a boyfriend his name is Ryan and he is 24 years old, and he is a mechanic. I met him at Tim Horton's, how romantic i know. Anyways our relationship is going good we have been dating for 2 years. I am making a lot more money at this job then I was at my other one, and i just previously got promoted to head translator and i got a raise. I bought a new house, its nothing huge but it works since its just me and my boyfriend. Well as you can see my life is going good since these past 4 years. Life is going on and i am hoping to have kids soon in life :).

My New Workplace

I work at precision business systems, a building in the center of town. I mainly work at home for all my projects. The company owners name is Jenifer Sullivan, and my business manager is Jessica Right. I don't have a supervisor because I am normally working at home. I work with many different people. There is 6 other translators that i work with at my job, they don't all translate from English to french or french to English we all translate different things. I do have an office at the the job it is really nice with my computer and many files and papers everywhere. I like to work at home though because i can get more work done. When it comes time to submitting my work I go back to my office and get 2 other people to translate and find errors in my papers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2015

I recieived the job, and started immediatly. They gave me a labtop and my own cellphone if they needed to get a hold of me. They told me my pay and i was ready to go.

June 14,2015

I got a phone call from the company to come down for an interview! I'm so excited!

June 11, 2015

I called the company i am applying to , Precision Business and they informed me I would have to fill in their own special application. I took a copy of my resume down to them, and took some time filling out the application. They told me I would hear from them in 3 to 4 days, I sure hope this new job comes through.

June 10,2015

Today I put together a job specific resume for the job at Precision Business. I asked one of the counsellors at the Canada Employment Centre to look it over and give me suggestions, then I rewrote it carefully. I want this resume to reflect my serious interest in the job and to make me look capable and competent.